EEMF Links

Links to Early Music event listings nationwide, related websites and Facebook posts

Please let the webmaster know of any broken links or any further suggestions you may have.
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*** Online and live events ***
Click here for a list of upcoming online events and live events nationwide.

*** Vignettes ***
Click here for short videos showcasing a wide selection of performing groups.


Talks and Tutorials

David Allinson has released further ‘From the Conductor’s Stand’ videos, made for the Renaissance
Singers. The videos include a performance by the choir. If you missed the previous videos, they are available on the Renaissance Singers’ website,
Click on ‘Videos’ part way down the page. When you click on an ‘Episode’ button you will see two ‘Play’ buttons (triangles on their sides) towards the right of the screen.
The upper one starts the talk and the lower one starts a clip of the performance.
You will also see a ‘Donate’ button in various places…

David Allinson’s illustrated talks ‘From the Conductor’s Stand’, sponsored by the Renaissance Singers
(London). On the Renaissance Singers’ facebook page at
A little gem – Ave Maria a7 by Philippe Verdelot can be found at:

Sign up for SingTheScore Extra with Robert Hollingworth and I Fagiolini. It’s a web-based event hosted by MEMF on alternate Saturday mornings when you can hear Robert’s introductory talk and join in with some singing using a score provided on screen or PDF. You will meet a special guest to whom you can ask questions via the chat box. To join the mailing list send an email to or book through the MEMF website.

Choral ChihuahuaIn a series of episodes, Eamonn Dougan talks to Harry Christophers and Robert Hollingworth about how they started their own ensembles – respectively The Sixteen and I Fagiolini. Plus guests. Not participatory, but very listenable.
The podcast released in October 2020 with guest Clare Wilkinson is at
The latest episode of The Choral Chihuahua is out, with Harry Christophers, Robert Hollingworth and Eamonn Dougan talking about recording.
Donate to help at £3 is good amount!

Stile Antico
A full list of Stile Antico events is here.

Malaysia Bach Festival have released another three documentaries about Bach, his life, and his music entitled Encountering Bach. Included is Dr. Michael Maul’s sensational rediscovery of the aria Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn’ ihn, BWV 1127, the first time an autograph of a previously unknown vocal work by Bach had come to light since 1935.

Rory McCleery of the Marian Consort has a new video (8mins) giving you the inside story on Raffaella Aleotti, a little-known convent composer who was labelled a child prodigy, and whose music looked to redress the gender balance in sacred music. Watch here.

The History of Polyphony in 3 minutes by Peter Philips of the Tallis Scholars here

In preparation of Cambridge Handel Opera Companys production of Handel’s Tamerlano a series of online talks called 'Handel's Green Room' will be given by Julian Perkins, conductor of Cambridge Handel Opera - details at Julian is an excellent speaker and these talks should be really interesting.

The Glory of Polyphony: 6 talks by Peter Phillips on BBC Sounds Radio3. Includes Tomkins, Byrd, Tallis, Lassus, Victoria, Lassus and Palestrina – listen here.

Silvestro di Ganassi dal Fontego: A film by Aurélien Poidevin about William Dongois’ research project: “The Ganassi Riddle. Diminutions and proportions in Silvestro Ganassi's ‘La Fontegara’: practice or speculation?” In French with English subtitles. Here.

Emilia Benjamin talks about the lirone, or lira da gamba here which was a popular instrument in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, often used in Italian operas to accompany singing - 'heaven's hoover' as it has been dubbed by Erin Headley. Includes pictorial and audio illustrations. (11mins)

Virtual tuition, quizzes, workshops and concerts

The EEMF Facebook page is a source of interesting things. You can play along with David Hatcher and Music Minus One, or sing along with Clare Norburn and Ariane Prüssner of The Telling in a medieval singing workshop, or follow Lizzie Gutteridge as she demonstrates her bagpipes among the great variety of ancient instruments she plays.

Lizzie Gutteridge writes:
For anyone who missed my reed maintenance sessions online earlier..., here's a recording of the one I did for Medieval Music in the (virtual) Dales, covering ways to revive reeds that are not working any more, as well as some adjustments for ones that don't suit you. The MMITD Youtube channel also has loads of other great content, including workshops and performances from Consort of 1 (that's me again), Trouvere, Gaita and many more.”

Suffolk Villages Festival
This annual f
estival is under the direction of Peter Holman. Peter has prepared an online concert, which you can access at:
Peter introduces the concert and the recordings made by some of the SVF’s performers.

SVF launched the SVF Musicians’ Fund with the aim of supporting their regular freelance professionals during lockdown. If you feel able to make a donation, please click on the following link:
To stay up to date with SVF’s plans, you can get on their mailing list through the following link:

Alison Kinder has recorded a virtual Medieval Cantiga Workshop for SWEMF in which any instrument at A440 can take part. The music for the session, a Cantiga from the Red Book of Montserrat, can be printed off from LosSetGotxs.pdf and the video can be watched on the SWEMF website here.

The National Centre for Early Music Online

Nestling between the rolling countryside of the Yorkshire Wolds and the coastal city of Hull and boasting some of the finest ecclesiastical architecture in the UK, Beverley has been the home of the Early Music Festival since 1988.

Eboracum Baroque write:

In these strange times we are determined to carry on as best we can both for our performers but also for our audiences. We hope in the coming months we can continue to offer new and exciting content online. We are delighted that these online concerts are sponsored by Woodfines Solicitors.”

Here is an exclusive film which the group made at Handel House, 25 Brook Street, Mayfair, London where Handel lived.

Virtual performances

Hesperi at Home
- The Hesperi Ensemble (the recorder/keyboard half) were back for their autumn series of live concerts with a talk on their Facebook Page on Saturdays at 1pm London time, roughly fortnightly. You can see all their past videos there too. Please donate if you can here.

Hesperi at Home video is available here.

New Trinity Baroque have posted a wonderful four hour playlist of Baroque music including Corelli, Vivaldi, Bach, Albinoni, Handel, Torelli and some lesser known composers. Listen on YouTube here. Founded in London in 1998, NTB are now based in Atlanta, US.

The 2021 International Festival of Town Pipers was cancelled due to Covid, so instead Paul Baker has produced this video. Featuring 8 Waits from around the country (and the Netherlands) - here. (5 mins 28)


Here are 2 fascinating links to music youtubes: (spotted by Frank Hopkirk)
Stile Antico sing Tallis 40 part:
The Covid fugue (after JSB):

BACH CHOIR choral workshops

horal workshops (not usually early music) are organised regularly, with tutor David Hill. If you are interested in joining future ones, please email
to register. Please remember to check your spam folder for the response.

BENSLOW on-line Courses and Events:

Visit for our listings of online courses in 2022.

Benslow Music Benslow Lane Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 9RB+44 (0)1462 459446

From ETO

Take an online singing lesson (adult or child) with stars of English Touring Opera, and learn to sing like an opera singer!
Some examples (not Early Music): (adult) (child)

English Touring Opera have several early music recordings to watch on their website (mostly dress rehearsals): Gesualdo: I will not speak, Carissimi: Jonas (24 mins), Machaut: How can I forget? (30 mins), Purcell: Dido and Aeneas (56 mins), Josquin: Mille Regretz (21 mins), Handel: Focus on Amadigi (their Autumn tour) and Bach: St John Passion. Watch here (free, but you need to set up an account).

News from individuals

Andy Blake - Music to play along with
I have found some play along music with members of City Musick. William Lyons is the organiser and I hear about it from Nick Perry the Lysard and Serpent maker. The music is 4,5 and 6 part Waits music for blowers! It’s good fun and available at City Musick’s web site

Thomas Gettys writes:
“I am putting together a website which offers MIDI files of both recorder and viola da gamba music. I have found them an invaluable aid in practicing for years, but especially in these days of social distancing their value is even more pronounced. You can rehearse with all parts present and perfectly in tune!

Please give it a look, and if you have suggestions for organization, presentation and/or content please let me know.”
You can find it here:

On his home page, Thomas Gettys explains that MIDI files can be set to play at any speed you wish and can be adjusted for pitch, giving players the option of playing at 415, 440 or whatever pitch they like. He suggests some free apps, with their links, which can be downloaded to enable these adjustments to be made. He also provides a link to IMSLP, where all the sheet music is freely available online.

James Sutton writes:
“You may like to try PlayScore 2, currently for IPhone/iPad only.
It allows you to take a photo of your music and it will play it, or you can import a PDF to play. It allows you to play at any speed you like, and you can set the instruments and transpose.
It also exports MIDI if you want to do it that way.”

Jacqui Robertson-Wade - Learning the viol in lockdown
There is actually quite a bit going on.
I am in the process of recording 150 lessons at 5 different levels, so it’s possible for complete beginners can learn the viol, as these are progressive lessons. I have nearly completed 30 lessons for the Elementary Level, with10 lessons on each viol. I have also created a Progressive Viol Lessons page with links to lessons from Alison Kinder, Sam Stadlen and myself. This is to help players find the right lesson for their ability and you can also search by piece or teacher.
I have also made some How to videos – such as how to refret a viol and how to change a string.
Finally, I’ve recorded a harpsichord transcription of a beautiful piece by Couperin for all parents and grandparents missing their families.. I’m certainly missing mine! It’s called Le Dodo, or Love at the cradle.
Coming soon – Early Music Shop videos on learning the viol in lockdown (with me) and other related topics to the viol.
I hope you get a chance to enjoy some of this.

For all of us, some research: Music-making during the pandemic – what does science advise? On the infection risks of choral singing and wind instrument-playing.
This is from Slipped It is a full scientific assessment of the Covid risk of playing wind instruments and is peer reviewed. Please read it! Fascinating stuff even for a lay reader.
(spotted by Victoria Helby)

This is from
Christian J. Kähler, Rainer Hain, Universität der Bundeswehr München.
It's not all doom and gloom!
It's on the Choral Chihuahua Facebook, but the link was not working when posted here.

Annabel Malton writes:

“I wondered if the EEMF membership might also be interested in what Gerald and I are doing.

A few years ago Gerald and I founded the charity Angel Early Music to support musicians' projects that would otherwise not get off the ground for lack of funding. During the current crisis, we have been making grants available for people to make video or sound recordings at home. A number are now completed. The videos are on our YouTube channel
and all the projects we have supported can be found on our website under the Current Projects- Video/Sound recordings page
They are very varied and interesting, so something for everyone. Several more are in the pipeline and will be released over the next few weeks.”


Brighton Early Music Festival - BREMF@Home BREMF@Christmas
Midsummer Season 24 - 26 June 2022
Autumn Season 19 - 23 October 2022

Bristol Early Music Festival
Bristol Early Music Festival - Sponsored by SWEMF
The Bristol Early Music Festival has been postponed until May 2022.

Entertainments on-line
SEMF member
Brian White and friends have been providing short weekly
entertainments on-line.

Fieri Consort
New generation vocal group. Lovely one-to-a-part singing.
Full details on Facebook at
Lots of streamed performances on their YouTube channel at:
Also daily warm-ups for singers if you have an Instagram account.
Visit them on their website:

On-line Music Tutorials or Collaborative Music making

Early Music Sources:
Video talks on a wide range of early music topics from tuning and temperaments to ornamentation. Link is here:

The Telling
is following doctors' advice that singing is excellent for mental health, and is running a series
of free online singing workshops and concerts via Zoom: The Telling in Retreat. Every Friday at 11am,
Hastings-based singer Ariane Prüssner guides participants through a soulful song or two for 30 minutes.
To join, simply visit
Anyone with an internet connection can join. They don’t need a webcam and all mics will be muted so
the participants won’t be heard and they can sing to their heart’s content.
For details on future and past sessions, visit

Sam Stadlen. Tutorial videos for viol players (free) at
He has also produced an excellent (and fast growing) collection of high quality Music Minus One viol
consort videos for subscribers (£15 per month plus VAT) to his Patreon site. Details from his website

The UK Viola da Gamba Society website has an excellent list of online learning resources for viol players. Link is here:

Asako Morikawa has made some videos- multi-tracked versions of pieces for viol
consort. They could be for people to play along with, or just to listen to and is thinking of doing some
'music-minus-one' versions of consort pieces too, so that there would be gaps for viol players to fill in.
asakoviol - YouTube Please click on the link above and if you like subscribe the Youtube channel (just
one click and no fee) then you will know when I added more pieces. Also you could get the links to the
videos from Folkestone Early Music website. Go at the page ‘Viols at Home’. — Folkestone Early Music
Email contact:

Online Lute concerts: Thomas Dunford on the AAM website These may have a donation
button. Also Angel Early Music
Sam Brown has just recorded some Josquin on Youtube
The Lute Society website will soon feature a listings page for such online events

Peter Harrison
A little home video of excerpts from 3 of the collections and a version of the Hallelujah Chorus from
'Harrison's New German Flute Magazine' of 1787. Enjoy the video!
I'm hoping through the video to raise funds for the Railway Children Charity supporting street children in
India, Africa and also has refuges in the UK. Please make a donation if you can: I can make copies of the music featured on the video if anyone's interested.

Michael Piraner <> offers recorder lessons via Kompassera: Kompassera is about to add video functionality and other new features but
looking for people willing to test the video functionality. If anyone is willing to do some testing, I will
give a free online lesson.
This would take place on the test system rather than the live system. If anyone is interested, please do
email me for more information. Thank you. Michael Piraner 0790 665 3220

I Fagiolini's SingTheScore (via EEMF and MEMF)
Robert Hollingworth and his group i Fagiolini have made ‘sing along’ videos under the title
SingTheScore, which are shown on YouTube. Each video features i Fagiolini performing a track, with the
score appearing at the same time, so that you can sing along with the recording. You can play the track as
often as you like, and when you like. It’s free. The first five tracks are available now. Each track has
comments from Robert Hollingworth, as he would have commented during a live workshop.
Monteverdi Zefira Torno
Monteverdi Luci serene e chiare
William Byrd Miserere mihi Domine
Monteverdi Longe da te, cor mio
Tomkins Was ever wretch
The videos can be accessed via the following link:

I Fagiolini ask that anyone using the Free resource agrees to subscribe to the series. There is a red
SUBSCRIBE button lower right which you press in order to subscribe: subscribing simply ensures that
you get advice automatically when a new video is made available (very handy). There is no financial side
to the word “Subscribe”. Similarly, there is no specific number of videos: Robert is filming one video a
week in the SingTheScore series, and will continue as long as people are watching the videos.
The links to the two videos which appeared on 9 and 15 May are:
9 May: Pierre Regnault / Sandrin Madrigal “La volunté”
15 May: Monteverdi Anima mia, perdone

You can catch up with the whole series to date with this link to the series:
The video of 23 May is Bennet’s lovely madrigal “Weep, O mine eyes”. Herewith the link:
Once you have registered, you can access all the videos published to date via the following website:
If anyone wants to contribute to the cost of making these videos, that would be very welcome of course
but there is no obligation. The money goes not to Robert, (he has a university position), but direct to the
musicians via the I Fagiolini Charitable Trust, to help generate some income to make up for cancelled
The address for donations is: Bank: CAF Bank Account name: I Fagiolini Charitable Trust
Sort code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00022449 Reference: SingTheScore

Emma Murphy is offering ‘consort with me’ opportunities on her website for recorder players:

Baroque Recorder Duets with Marion Scott
Duets 1 – Intermediate/Advanced
This is a series of 4 weekly sessions, 3rd May until 24th May, 4pm – 5pm
Following on from the first Duet sessions, the repertoire will be music by Geminiani’s contemporaries in London in the 1720s and 1730s, with study of pieces by Barsanti, Bononcini and Handel. Music will be provided in advance. More details

Duets 2 – Easier/Intermediate
This is a series of 4 weekly sessions, 7th May until 28th May, 10.30am – 11.30am
The level of the music for Duets 2 will be a little more gentle than for Duets 1, with relaxed speeds, so if your recorder playing is a just a bit rusty, this may be appropriate for you, although you are welcome to join either Duets 1 or Duets 2 (or both).
The repertoire will be the wonderfully expressive and elegant French Baroque music. More details
The cost will be £10 per session for both series.

Helen Hooker’s Virtual Consorts

Including Byrd, Bach and Purcell

With so many recorder players missing their consort playing right now I’ve been busy creating some virtual consort resources. I’ve created a new page on my website where I will host some consort music videos for you to join in with. I plan to create a new one each week and anyone can download the files for offline use. Please share the link with anyone you know who might be interested – these resources are open to all. Enjoy!

David Moses Downloads

It occurs to me that some of you will be stuck at home without any other musicians to play with. So I’ve created some backing tracks for you to play along with, RecorderBoppers for grown-ups if you like. They’re free to download or you can play them from the website. Each piece has a written recorder part plus backings at ‘performance’ and ‘rehearsal’ (slower) speeds. Most playback software shows the duration of the recording in minutes and seconds which I’ve included on the recorder parts in case you need to start playback part way through the piece.

Online Lute lessons: see for a list of teachers who teach remotely.

Alison Kinder: lessons via Zoom, online technical demos – incorporating “play-along” duets – on
YouTube (free, but donations welcome!), or subscribe to her Patreon site and get additional access. Ali
Kinder will help you set up Zoom and positioning etc. before the lesson, so the lesson isn’t wasted on
Ali’s online workshop on one of the Cantigas, suitable for singers and instrumentalists, A=440, is here:

Alison Crum: lessons via Zoom.

Suzanna Pell: video your playing and send it to Suzanna and get learning comments by return.

Julia Bishop is running online sessions on Zoom: once a week Wednesday morning seminars for
Baroque and modern string players (A440) on general string techniques and Baroque performance
practice; and fortnightly 5.30pm sessions for wind and string players on original instruments (A415) to
discuss and practise all kinds of topics, such as French Baroque ornamentation. She’s also offering 1 to 1 Baroque violin lessons. If you’re interested, either “DM” her on Facebook or email her at

Martin Perkins writes: “Lots more backing tracks added since I last posted: Cello sonatas by Vivaldi, flute sonatas by Bach, recorder sonatas by Telemann, Babell, Bach and Marcello, viola da gamba sonatas by Bach and Telemann.”

Continuo Lines founded by Tabea Debus (virtuoso recorder player) and Benedict Williams (continuo player) is a library of an ever-evolving online collection of basso continuo play-along recordings for players of all backgrounds and levels of learning. With this resource players will gain confidence in playing with a continuo line, i.e. an accompaniment consisting of a bass line with added figures (numbers) specifying the harmonies to be played in addition. Initially focusing on recorder repertoire, they plan to offer resources for other instruments in the future. Find it here.

The Brook Street Band has a large number of interesting videos of performances, talks and masterclasses here.


EEMF member Jennie Cassidy has started a new singing course which she has named “Unlock Your Singing”.

Jennie sings mezzo soprano, and has sung with the Taverner Consort and the Gabrieli Consort. She has sung at major venues on five continents, and has made over 30 CDs.

Since lockdown Jennie has been teaching singing pupils via Zoom and she commissioned a website to be built to help do that. She has made many video tutorials and uploaded scores with demo learning tracks and backing tracks to help the pupils continue singing. She has used that idea and offers an online course for all, and to that end she has made an introductory page which can be accessed at

The link takes you to an introduction of the course and a sample page. The whole course is £20 and can be accessed by sending Jennie an email – there is a link on the page.

Harpsichord: A series of videos by Alice M Chuaqui Baldwin telling you how to play the harpsichord, basso continuo explained and how to play it and other things here.

City Lit online course: Great works: Byrd’s Quomodo cantabimus
Course Dates: 24/08/22
14:00 - 16:00
Tutor: Edward Breen

Explore the eight-voice motet Quomodo cantabimus (How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land) by William Byrd and learn how it may be interpreted as a reaction to the newly-protestant England in which he lived.

Link to City Lit website

Music minus One:

Consort Music minus One with David Hatcher.
Gassenbauwerlein und Reutterliedlin. 78 Short 4-part pieces – German songs from the early 16th century.
Each piece £4 from as a downloadable folder with 6 files (the score and 5 mp3
sound files – with all the parts, and four with one part missing)

David Hatcher has finished editing and uploading a complete set of the lovely pieces from Petrucci’s Canti B publication of 1502 to his Minus One Catalogue. This was the second in a series of three books of 51 pieces in three and four (and occasionally five) parts by many of the best composers of the late 15th century and was successful enough to encourage Petrucci to produce the very large third volume, Canti C, containing 150 pieces (he has no plans to do a complete set of that one). You can see and hear samples by following the link here.

David Hatcher has now completed Minus One recordings of the entire 1599 collection of “Pavans, Galliards, Almains & other short Aeires”, by Anthony Holborne. David has made these on “modern” viols, all copies of John Rose instruments and tuned at A415. These are wonderfully tuneful pieces, composed in 5 parts and the rhythmic complexity of the inner parts is fascinating. The full collection can be viewed on David’s website here (under Thomas Morley). The sheet music in either facsimile or modern edition is easily available on IMSLP here.

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Josquin. As well as a festival of Josquin concerts planned by the Linarol Consort later in the year, David Hatcher has put together ten pieces (about an hour of music) by the great man. These include some exquisite motets, such as Stabat Mater, Absalon fili mi, Salve Regina and Virgo Salutiferi, as well as some of his most stunning secular works, such as Mille regrtz, Dulces Exuviae, Nimphes nappés and Cueurs desolez. Each of these pieces comes with a new edition prepared for the minus-one project – more information here.

Lockdown Early Music Backing Tracks
In this period of isolation we are offering a number of mp3 files of accompaniments to solo instrumental
and vocal works on the renaissance and baroque periods. Each album contains multiple tracks of the same
work accommodating a variety of pitches, temperaments and tempi- perfect for the beginner, student or
professional musician. Click on ‘Download album’.
Menu: Temperament tuning tracks; Divisions on ‘Suzanne un jour’; Divisions on ‘Vestivi i colli’;
Divisions on ‘Ancor che col partire’; Divisions on ‘Un gay bergier’; Divisions on ‘John come kiss me
now’; Divisions on ‘The Duke of Norfolk’; Cima Sonata in g minor; Ortiz ‘Recercadas Italianas’;
Simpson Divisions for the Practice of Learners (A=415 or A==440).

The City Musick Corona Consorts (via NEEMF)
Over the past few weeks I and my colleagues in The City Musick have been putting together a remote
recording and multi-tracking project to provide consort music for all those players missing playing this
great repertoire. The recordings are versions with each part missing so people can play along.
The links to our site are: William Lyons 07941 240060
Go to the CCK Music Store, and click on the ones of interest the proceed to checkout (Paypal) Each
download consists of the score pdf., and parts where necessary; a high quality audio file of the full piece,
and high quality audio files minus the part that you wish to play.
10% discount for 5 tracks. 20% discount for 10 tracks.
In addition, there is much music available from for (mainly) instrumental music (including
viol consorts) and cpdl as a source of choral music scores and mp3s of all sorts, even though it is not a
specialist early music site. There are lots of obscure composers represented.

The Kings Singers have a virtual performance of Tallis’s If Ye Love Me with the score displayed so that
you can sing with them. Find them on YouTube

Voces8 are live every day at 2pm in #Live From Home with interviews, online performances,
participation events and interactive sessions. See information and the timetable at

The Sixteen have posted a number of videos on their Facebook page including Eamon Dougan’s Top
Tips released on Saturdays, and a virtual performance of Sheppard’s Libera Nos.
Time on your hands? Remember that Quarantine with The Sixteen has a wide range of videos to watch including singing tips, performances, talks and recipes.

The Tallis Scholars have a Marathon Playlist which you can access from their website .There is a large list of streaming services where you can play it and they get
royalties for every track you listen to. You can also donate on the home page.

Tenebrae have videos of past performances on their Facebook page and have a new CD of music by Gesualdo and Couperin.

Stile Antico have a virtual performance of Spem in Alium on their website

The Gesualdo Six have an interesting collection of videos on their Facebook page including
Robert Pearsall’s beautiful “Lay a Garland” with Andrew Cooper singing all parts.

Online Viol Lessons

Many viol teachers are now giving lessons online using zoom or other platforms - see below. The
UK Viola da Gamba Society has a lot of information about this and is a very useful source of
knowledge. Their link section will tell you where you can get replacement strings if one breaks and
lots of other useful information. You don’t need to be a member to access the majority of the site
which is here:

Jacqui Robertson-Wade can be found on YouTube and also on her website, the
Rondo Viol Academy at
Claire Horacek will also give lessons online: email
Alison Kinder’sThe Clinic” can be found on YouTube and on her website
Alison Crum another experienced teacher will also give beginner lessons online, her website is

Consort Playing

When you need someone to play with then the following resources have been produced enabling
you to play along with a pre-recorded consort, with whichever part you want to play missing:

David Hatcher’s “Consort Music Minus One” - downloadable mp3 files of beautiful renaissance
4-part pieces recorded at A440 see his website
David may also give lessons online - email him at
Click here
for an update from David Hatcher.

Sam Stadlen: play along videos and tutorials online:

Search on YouTube for viol music. Well known ensembles are
Fretwork and David Hatchers Linarol Consort.
Look for the Early Music Group and the Viola da Gamba Society on Facebook for posts by members.

If you are interested in learning to
play the lute, or just have an interest in the instrument the first
port of call is the Lute Society website:
On their homepage there is now a "Lute in Lockdown" which gives a list of teachers who can
teach via Skype or Zoom, and lists of upcoming events. This is very new but is expanding rapidly.

Lynda Sayce
has posted a youtube video on the history of the lute at Lynda also teaches via the internet – details
on the Lute Society website.
The Early Music Shop has a similar arrangement with Jacob Heringman:

Many of you know the sad story of Stephen Barber, who sadly died last year, and Sandi Harris. If not, listen to their story here. This week Sandi was on Radio 4’s ‘The Untold’ talking about carrying on with the business despite all the difficulties (including Brexit) here. There are tributes on their YouTube channel, 11a Peacock Yard, in aid of their help campaign begun by friends and here is Nigel North playing 10 minutes of lute music by Francesco da Milano.

There is plenty to listen to on YouTube or Dropbox.
Recorders Online Lessons
Mary Tyers (usually teaches at the Early Music Shop) - or 0776 2374638
Alyson Lewin 01785 716957
Visit the Society of Recorder Players (SRP) website for lots of information
and a variety of links including
David Moses see below:
David Moses has produced a series of backing tracks, but so far almost the only early music is a
jazz accompaniment of Handel’s Sonata in F Op1 for treble recorder and some Playford dances
for descant, accompanied by a lute. His link is on the SRP website.
Emma Murphy has all sorts of useful stuff in her shop including consorts minus one to play along
with at
Sarah Jeffrey / Team Recorder has a large number of videos on YouTube about playing the recorder
including a couple of play along ones.
Helen Hooker has just recorded 3 Bach Chorales with music to play along to - see the SRP Facebook
page and keep an eye out for more.
Much of
David Hatcher’s “Consort Music Minus One” is suitable for recorders - David will advise
you. See consort playing in the viol section for details.
Go to YouTube and search for recorder music whether solo or ensemble, renaissance or baroque.
Well known ensembles are The Flanders quartet, The Royal Wind Music, Palisander and
There are also some jewels on the SRP page and on the Early Music Group page on Facebook.

Cat on the Keys Music:
has downloadable backing tracks of renaissance and baroque music
for all sorts of instruments at various pitches. See
City Musick, the Renaissance Wind Band - Corona Consort Karaoke Play-Along Store
They have recorded music ‘minus a part’ in whole and mixed consorts of recorders, cornets,
shawms, dulcians and sackbuts for you to play along with on any instrument. For £5 a piece (by
PayPal) you can download
a quality audio file of the full piece, an audio file of the piece
minus the part you want to play and a pdf score (with parts where necessary).
Ensemble Échos (flute, violin, viola da Gamba and Harpsichord) have a number of videos of
baroque music to listen to on their website. They have also recorded a virtual performance of a
Bach trio. See
Academy of Ancient Music: Streaming Sundays - a full length concert from the recent past
is shared every Sunday afternoon on YouTube. See
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment have a monthly series of illustrated talks called
“Bach, the Universe and Everything”
National Centre for Early Music streams a concert on Facebook every Saturday at 1pm.
Bach Bites: Steven Devine plays a Preludes and Fugue every Wednesday at 6pm.
The Orchestra of the Age of Isolation play the beautiful Entrée de Polymnie by Rameau

Some ideas from Nancy Slessenger (MEMF):
Here's an interesting email from David Turner - have a look at the video.

The Silver Swan - and a chance to record a video with a group.

Just in case it is of interest, for those interested in setting up virtual projects, I have learned how to do it quite effectively and was helped by a few friends who contributed material. I found short madrigals, like The Silver Swan, ideal material for learning and honing the techniques needed to compile the voices, splitting them from the visuals and recombining to make a presentation. Here is a film I made last week.
Feel free to share the link if you so wish. All relevant permissions have been obtained
Next up, Dowland’s “Come again sweet love”. I’ve also made a movie of our viol consort which was successful technically but I am not permitted to publish it. It would be good to assemble an online early music consort if there are enough volunteers.
Making the silver swan was a lot of fun and took me a week
If other members want to do such things while we aren’t able yet to get together in any other meaningful way, I am happy to be contacted.”

David Turner


Some miscellaneous goodies that Sara Clymo (MEMF newsletter editor) and Sara Scorey (SWEMF web editor) and others have passed on to us. These are listed here in chronological order of reception.

Illustrated talks and concerts

Angel Music, a charity supporting Early Music Education and performance, have sponsored a number of illustrated talks and concerts on YouTube including Alison Kinder talking about Tobias Hume, Fieri talking about Marenzio and Halcyon performing on harp and Lute. Find them at:
Subscribe to the Angel Music mailing list at:
and you will be notified about new videos.

For playing with others over the internet
Jamulus is an alternative to Jamkazam. The official page is at:,
but there is a very useful video made by the string quartet Vierimpuls, describing how they use it to rehearse, at:

For details of how newly-formed Online Early Music Forum are using Jamulus in lockdown go to:
Musicians seeking Musicians

From Will Dawes
VOCES8: 'Ne Irascaris Domine' & 'Civitas Sancti Tui' by William Byrd
Sing along treat Gesualdo - Sacrae Cantiones I 18 Illumina faciem tuam – Score
And here’s a rather special treat - hint: it was to mark 40 days of lockdown.....

Instrumental: This one was found by accident when listening to the ones above:
Jordi Savall: Luis de Milán - Pavana & Gallarda

Hesperi Ensemble have live concerts every Friday at 1pm. Two of Ensemble perform pieces for harpsichord and recorder or flute with introductions to each piece setting the scene. You can ask questions or make comments on a real time chat line. To see the collection so far, go to
and to to donate.

Sounds Baroque mini concerts: solos performed by Julian Perkins on keyboard and duets with Emma Abbate (not all are baroque!)

Follow the Historical Dance Society on Facebook for teaching videos (released each week) and webinars and find their Virtual Elizabethan Revels on YouTube.
Consort de Danse Baroque Online Beauchamp- Feuillet Notation Reading Classes with Philippa Waite. Three levels of classes on Thursdays and Sundays.

More well known viol players are now producing Tutorials – have a look at the VdGS website
Chelys Consort of Viols are also recording consorts minus one. Follow them on Facebook to hear when new videos are released.
Asako Morikawa has a series of Multitrack videos for you to listen to or play along with.

A Live recording, in Warwick's Court House, of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas by the Armonico Consort ... will be available for a while.
Early Music Shop show a variety of musicians performing Monday to Friday at 1pm. See the full list here.

Susato’s “La Bataille”

Did you ever wonder what a consort of crumhorns sounded like?
Early Music in a Different Way have a wonderfully pictorial video of Susato's Pavane "La Bataille" with drums, viols and crumhorns (and a lot else!)

Christopher Monks, director of Armonico, plays Bach's Goldberg Variations as part of their "Unlocking Musical Memories" series for people suffering from Dementia. All on their Facebook Page.

Les Arts Florissants celebrate their fortieth birthday in William Christie's stunning gardens with a really magical concert of Handel, Lully, Purcell and Rameau.

Les Arts Florissants playlist ArtFloWinter#2 comprises beautiful music by Purcell (including Dido’s Lament), Eccles and Matteis for voice, violin, theorbo with William Christie on continuo. (22mins) ArtFloWinter#3 has music by Lambert, Senaillé, Couperin and Matteis. More videos on their Facebook page.

Vivaldi: Grande Messe de NoëlLes Arts Florissants here. (1hour 37mins)

The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s monthly series of illustrated talks called “Bach, the Universe and Everything” are now being recorded live in their home at Kings Place, London. The latest one is the Bach Cantata BWV39. See them all here.

The National Centre for Early Music have produced highlights of their recent Festival to download and stream for £4.99.

Now Hear This:
Handel Italian Style, a fascinating exploration by Scott Yoo, violinist and conductor of the Mexico City Philharmonic, of Handel's four years in Italy and its influence on him. Watch here.

The Oxford Bach Soloists (OBS) is a Baroque ensemble whose ambition is to perform, in sequence, the complete canon of J. S. Bach’s vocal works over 12 years. This has been somewhat interrupted during the Coronavirus Pandemic, but they have a few videos on their YouTube channel. Their series Back to Bach reveals how OBS musicians have returned to the works of JS Bach during lockdown.

Stroud Green Festival describes itself as ‘quirky and friendly’ but there is some early music, mostly French Baroque.

11a Peacock Yard is a new YouTube channel created for renowned Lute makers Stephen Barber and Sandi Harris. As well as making beautiful lutes they have made a huge contribution to research into historical instruments. Please donate here.

Malaysia Bach Festival have released a series of documentaries about Bach, his life, and his music entitled Encountering Bach. Artistic Director is David Chin. The final episode talks about the instruments and the forces Bach would have used in his day. Watch and listen here. Previous episodes can be seen here, all beautifully filmed in places that Bach lived and worked.

Ensemble Pro Victoria (8 voice a capella group):

Bach's Ascension Oratorio: Professor Ashley Solomon, Head of Historical Performance, directs the Royal College of Music's Baroque Orchestra and RCM Chamber Choir in an uplifting rendition of this oratorio here.

JC Bach Concert for the Pianoforte Op.13 No 6 in Eb, played by the Neues Mannheimer Orchester with Anders Muskens fortepiano here. (14 mins)


Burghclere Baroque has been formed by Theresa Caudle in 2020 to promote the performance and study of baroque music in the beautiful surroundings of the village of Burghclere in Hampshire. Chamber Days and Orchestral Days will provide the opportunity for keen amateurs to get together to play baroque music, coached or directed by well-known baroque violinist Theresa Caudle, either in her home or in the larger space of Burghclere’s village hall, The Portal Hall. Find out more here.

Recorder playing is a new independent business supplying high quality ‘play-along’ recordings for the recorder playing community. To find out more, Consorts have an introductory webpage with details and a video montage of some of the pieces.

Workshop Title: Articulation for Recorder and Flute Players

Presented by: Polyphonica Recorder Trio
Date: 26 June 2022
Time: 3pm
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
Tickets: £10 payable online from the event webpage:

Description: Have you ever wondered how to approach a piece of early music that has no articulation markings? Should we slur or tongue and in which context? What information can we take from the score that can help us decide? This workshop aims to give you the means to make these decisions yourself through an examination of historical sources with simple, practical and fun exercises you can apply to any piece of music.

Instructions to join the workshop and other information are provided by email upon payment.


Musica antica: Amor poste in Luce: Love songs from the earliest printed books

Annemarie Klein (recorder) with John Kitchen (organ & harpsichord)
Featuring the 1755 Baillon harpsichord and a late Baroque programme of works by JM Hotteterre, JS Bach, GP Telemann, G Finger and J Pachelbel.

Tallis Scholars
Part of ThisChoirNerd series - conversation with Tallis Scholars director Peter Phillips and Byrd Ensemble director Markdavin Obenza about Peter's book, "What We Really Do: The Tallis Scholars." They talk about the Peter's inspiration for starting The Tallis Scholars, the sound, interpretation, tempo, authenticity, recording, ideal singers, Renaissance polyphony on the main stage, and a short Question and Answer session.

Monteverdi and his Constellation: Podcast series | Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra John Eliot Gardiner presents a new podcast series exploring Monteverdi’s role at the centre of seismic shifts and tumultuous advances in all the arts and sciences during the early 1600s, spearheaded by his contemporaries - Galileo, Kepler, Bacon, Shakespeare, Caravaggio and Rubens. Across eight episodes, with the help of specially recorded musical illustrations and a handpicked team of experts, Gardiner guides listeners through an in-depth investigation into the development of the early-modern mind. Released every Friday – four now available.

Bayreuth Baroque has streamed live performances from the fabulously ornate Margravial Opera House on their Facebook page and these are still available afterwards. Their website says welcome to Baroque Heaven!

Armonico - their new season of live concerts beginning in October. They include their most successful touring programme ‘Naked Byrd’ (Victoria, von Bingham, Allegri, Purcell and many more), Vivaldi The Seasons, ‘A German Christmas’ (Praetorius and Corelli) and Carols by Candlelight in their usual venues in Leamington, Warwick, Malvern and Yeovil. There is of course limited seating so book early at

The gorgeous
Quomodo Cantabimus by William Byrd sung by the Fieri Consort. A Bite Size Prom on Facebook raising money for Help Musicians UK - please donate if you listen.

A short delightful song by
Josquin about knitting, performed by La Fiamma on YouTube!

The Marian Consort, directed by Rory McCleery, has launched a major new strand of digital work. The headline feature of this is six 50-minute programmes available on-demand. Centred around vocal music, they’ve collaborated with poets, artists, actors, academics, filmmakers, and writers to shine new light and bring you something different. These are available pay-per-view via their website. For under a fiver you get carefully-crafted films shot in stunning spaces, featuring seraphic performances, incisive commentary, and beautiful visual art.

Schütz 1: Vale of Tears in the Marian Consort’s digital season is now available on demand from £4.99 here. It looks at the question of death through Heinrich Schütz’s Musikalische Exequien (music written for the funeral of Henry II of Reuss, nicknamed “the Posthumous'”), his settings of the Psalms of David, and the Orbis sensualium pictus, often described as the first children’s picture-book. With the English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, and actor Jake Setters. (38 mins)

Robert Hollingworth has recommended Early Music Sources Online (from Elan Rotem) which has a wealth of interesting material on their website including a series of video talks on YouTube, including subjects such as vibrato, countertenors, false relations, musica ficta and all sorts of things one has heard of, but didn't quite know what they were.

Sigismundus Lauxmin International Harpsichord Contest is taking place on Facebook. Watch it here. More details on their website.

Il Bianco e Dolce Signo, a renaissance madrigal by Arcadelt is here sung by the Kings Singers and here (arranged by Banchieri, an early Baroque composer) played by two dulcians. An interesting contrast.

Handel’s Sauloratorio in Three Acts performed by the Gabrieli Consort and Players, directed by Paul McCreesh. Soloists include Andreas Scholl and Neal Davies. Listen here. (2 hrs 45mins)

The Splendour of Venice from Phoenix Central Park, directed by Erin Helyard. Includes music by Monteverdi, Allegri and Gabrieli. Watch and listen here (1hr 17mins)

A gorgeous concert by
Capella Mediterranea and Accentus choir directed by Leonardo García Alarcón, courtesy of French TV, with the divine soprano Julie Roset amongst the soloists. Includes music by Georgi, Scarlatti, Allegri and Rossi. Watch and listen here. (1hr) (Listen to Ave Maria below to whet your appetite!)

In 1991, the film Tous les matins du monde brought early music unprecedented popularity overnight. Three decades later, Jordi Savall, whose contribution was essential to the film’s success, pays homage to the film’s authors, Alain Corneau and Pascal Quignard with a performance of some of the music with his ensemble Le Concert des Nations here. Includes music by Marais, Lully, Couperin, Sainte Colombe and Savall. (1hr 34 mins)

The Herschel Trio (flute, viol and keyboard - all members of NEEMF) present the first of a series of concert videos from St Olave’s church in York, called “Welcome Bach”. It lasts an hour and is free, but donations are invited. Details here.


ArtsFloWinter episode1
from Les Arts Florissants: French music by Lambert, Couperin, D’ambruys, Matteis and Eccles (voice, lute, violin and harpsichord) here. (16 mins)

A Lump of Earth - another in the Marian Consort series about Schütz. Death, starvation, war, hope - the Thirty Years War through the eyes of Hans Heberle, a cobbler, and Heinrich Schütz’s Kleine Geistliche Konzerte, a collection of sublime miniatures written for the scant musical forces he could gather around him. Purchase for £4.99 from here.(43 mins)

Trouvère Medieval Minstrels have been performing Tales of Reynard the Fox based on original medieval sources. Here is a family–friendly comic video they have made based on the the thirteenth century 'Of the Vox and of the Wolf' in the Bodleian Library. (19 mins 41)

The latest video from
Elam Rotem at Music Sources Online is called Stretta Fuga: how to make a masterpiece with two notes. Watch here. (18 mins)

Armonico have released their latest in demand concert: Love Handels Part 2 in which Eloise Irving and William Towers perform some of the most beautiful arias and duets from Handel and other baroque masters. Details, trailer and purchase (£7.50) here.

Concertos by
JC Bach, Tartini and Naumann played by the Orchestra of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis here. (55 mins)

A concert of
Rameau performed by Philharmonie Luxemburg was live on 8th June. “Marc Minkowski and Les Musiciens du Louvre prepared a «symphonie imaginaire» for you that is full of surprises” here (1 hour 8 mins, starts with an 8 minute introduction in French)

Music by
Bach, Biber and Zelenka performed by Delphine Galou (alto), Thibault Noally and the soloists of the Musiciens du Louvre here. (1 hour – introductions in French)

Domenico Natale Sarro (1679 – 1744) Cantata “Andante o mei sospiri” for Soprano. Baroque oboes, cello and harpsichord performed by Baroque Ensemble Sans Souci here. (20 mins)

Armonico released their latest in demand concert on 21st June: Love Handels Part 2 in which Eloise Irving and William Towers perform some of the most beautiful arias and duets from Handel and other baroque masters. Details, trailer and purchase (£7.50) here.

The Academy of Ancient Music have a large number of Vignettes on their “watch” page here, but please donate if you listen.

Recorded concerts

If anyone missed the Cardinall’s Musick lunchtime concert from the Wigmore Hall (with EMF Tutors Patrick Craig, singing as a guest, and Andrew Carwood conducting) you can find it on YouTube here. Please donate. (1 hr 21)

JS Bach Triosonaten I-IV for organ played by Alessio Corti here (1 hr 25)

Tenebrae sing Schütz, Bach and Reger at the Wigmore Hall here, £20 donation suggested.(1 hour 30 mins)

The King’s Bedtime – French Baroque Music from Versailles. An intimate and informal concert from the King’s spectacular private bedchamber, performed by
Les Musiciens du Roi directed by Thibaut Roussel here. (1 hour)

Dowland: Complete Lute works Vol.1 played here by Paul O’Dette, from his Album Renaissance Lute. (1 hr 16 mins)

Concert performance of an opera
Eccles: Semele performed by the Academy of Ancient Music, the Cambridge Handel Opera Company and Cambridge Early Music here. (2 hours) AAM is nominated for a Gramophone Orchestra of the Year Award.

JS Bach: Magnificat conducted by Jordi Savall here. (30 mins)

Music for a Norman Court (11th13th century history of Richmond) performed here by Trouvere Medieval Minstrels last Saturday in Richmond.(1 hour 43 mins includes interval from 49’ to 1.09’)

Welcome to All the Pleasures: a Restoration Musical Banquet. Music by Lully, Blow, Locke, Purcell and Pelham, performed by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama’s Historical performance department, coached and accompanied by members of the Academy of Ancient Music here. (1 hour 19)

Concerts on demand (live recorded and filmed performances)

Armonico Consort released their On Demand concert series in March. The first four are: Victoria’s Requiem, their popular Naked Byrd programme, Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and Byrd’s Mass for Four Voices. Purchase details £7.50 each or £39.50 for 6 concerts to include Naked Byrd II and Bach’s Easter Cantata BWV4. Information here.

Gems of the Polish Baroque performed by Ensemble Giardino di Delizie a female Polish-Italian Early Music group, here. (Audio - 1 hr 37)
Ensemble Teatro d’Arcadia perform Duetti da Camera for a variety of instruments, voices and basso continuo - music by Bitti, Scarlatti, Bononcini, Bellinzani and Sammartini. Buy the replay with what you can afford here. (1hr 30 mins)

Tabea Debus (recorder), Liz Kenny (lute) and Reiko Ichise (viola da Gamba) play music by Bach, Telemann, Monteverdi and others here. (1 hour)

Vivaldi Concerti (for cello, bassoon, violin and cello and for cello and bassoon) played by Capella Cracoviensis on period instruments here. (53 mins 35)

LuteFest 1 Music by John Dowland and John Daniel performed by Sara Stowe(sop), Lewis Spring (countertenor), Linda Sayce (lute/viol) and Matthew Spring (lute/viol) available here.

Polyphonic Splendours of the Iberian Peninsula performed by the Washington Bach Consort at Saint Sopuia Greek Orthodox Cathedral. It includes music by Morales, Lusitano Guerrerro and Victoria with a 4 minute introduction here. (1 hour 16 mins)

Viva Vivaldi. Cecilia Bartoli's all-Vivaldi sell-out concert performances with the Italian period instrument ensemble Il Giardino Armonico, at Paris's Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, brought together the talents of today's most celebrated mezzo-soprano and an outstandingly creative group of musicians. Included are arias from Vivaldi's operas and pasticcios L'Olimpiade, Tito Manlio, Ottone in Villa, Gloria, Juditha Triumphans, Farnace, Bajazet and La Fida Ninfa. The repertoire displays Bartoli's breathtaking virtuosity in arias demanding a phenomenal range of vocal expression here. (1 Hour 46 mins)

Sands Films have a series of free autumn online concerts some of which are of Baroque music. (These are also in-person concerts in Rotherhithe.) List available here.

Illustrated talks, films

Lockdown Lunchtime Live: David Allinson is streaming a series of live talks on Facebook every Friday at 1pm.

A fascinating 10 minute conversation with musical illustrations is
here, with Musicians of the Netherlands Bach Society talking about Basso Continuo, the backbone of Baroque music.

Alison Kinder gives an illustrated 40 minute talk about the travels and solo viol lyra-style music of Tobias Hume, soldier and mercenary, including discussion of his spat with John Dowland (supported by Angel Early Music).

Ibrahim Aziz has made a 20 minute film, entitled The Music of Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe Le Pere, about the famous but mysterious 17th century musician, inventor of the 7-string viola da gamba and teacher of the great violist and composer, Marin Marais (1656 - 1728) (supported by Angel Early Music)

Lynda Sayce's Virtual Road Show: the development of the lute from the oud to the earliest theorbo using her extensive collection of instruments. She includes four-part music for different sizes of lute as well as a number of solo pieces. See it here. (35 minutes) (supported by Angel Early Music).

From the Divine to the Ridiculous: Reconsidering the Recorder's image in the Renaissance - an illustrated half hour talk by Helen Herbert (supported by Angel Early Music).

The second episode of Inside the Music from the Marian Consort is about Jacobus Clemens non Papa. Rory McCleery gives you inside story (6 mins) on the composer, his nickname, his scandalous behaviour and his divine music. Listen here.

The story of
Allegri’s Misererehow it should really sound, by the Marian Consort here. (14 mins)

Mensural notation

For those of you who have made a start at reading black and white mensural notation but are frustrated by not being able to practise within a consort, David Hatcher has added Arcadelt's 1st Book of Madrigals for four voices to his Consort Music Minus One collection
here. The Gardano edition of 1539 is very clear (there is the occasional opportunity to practise transposing clefs) and the music is lovely.


The inaugural SEPTENARY FOUNDATION Historical Performance Research Seminars

These sessions aim to provide a platform for independent performer-researchers to present their work in return for a modest concert-type fee, and are supported by the Septenary Foundation and Music & Letters.


A new
composition competition run by Nick Hardisty and violinist Ada Witczyk sought short new works for baroque violin & harpsichord.
Panel of judges consisted of Ada, Simon Standage and Stephen Devine.
The winners were announced in December. Full details at
Donate via

And finally...

Fish from Oblivion present 'Gawain in Winter' This is a sequence of words and music for a Time of Uncertainty conceived by Tim Boardman, Neil Robinson (MEMF members) and Rachel Graff - a realisation of their 2019 Christmas live concert, recorded remotely in lockdown, with a new soundscape by Rachel Graff. The words are from Gawain and the Green Knight, a 14th century verse story written by an anonymous poet in the dialect of the West Midlands. It’s best listened to on headphones and either on a dark walk, or with the programme and words to hand and a glass of your favourite tipple. Go to the Bandcamp website here and click on free download (in blue) to get the words and music in a zip file. Feedback very welcome to . (40 mins).

English Touring Opera does Josquin.To mark the 500th anniversary of Josquin’s death, Liam Steel and Jonathan Peter Kenny stage a very unusual presentation of his work with five singers and five players. The production ranges from the celestial descending figures of Josquin’s Inviolata to the outright raunchiness of Allegez-moi, an invitation to explore the intimate regions of the flesh. Prepare to be surprised – and delighted, as this is not the stuff of college chapels.” David Allinson thinks that it is an attempt to bring Josquin to a wider audience....... Watch here (free registration) and see what you think. (20 mins) [Click on browse for other ETO performances and talks.]

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Updated 28/08/2022. Please contact the EEMF committee with comments.