This page is for EEMF members and others to advertise their willingness to participate in 
private music-making groups, and also to advertise for people to join such groups. 
E-mail your ad to webmaster@eemf.org.uk. 

Please include as much information as possible, and your contact details.

EEMF does not endorse any advertisement.
The Nene Consort

The Nene Consort is a friendly, established recorder group in Northamptonshire. 
We are looking for new members to join us. 
We play a variety of music and usually perform two or three times a year. 
New members must be willing to play, or to learn to play, different instruments. 
We have some bass instruments available to use. We meet on Wednesday evenings in Brixworth.
If you are interested, please contact Mary Cooper at cooperm1@btinternet.com or 07977882493.
Posted February 2022
An updated message from Robin Rigby 
28 June 2020

To our friends in EEMF and all other lovers of early music:

Online Early Music Forum (OEMF)

Music in lockdown with Jamulus

Most of us know that making music over the internet is not possible with systems
like Zoom, (because of something called latency). People have been singing their
parts solo, then mixing them into video performances.

Well, now we can make real harmony online. We have been testing
Jamulus, which minimizes latency and enables us to sing or play
together in very nearly the usual way. We’d love you to join us

Install Jamulus and run it.

Press ‘Connect; then press ‘Listand choose Genre Classical/Folk/Choir

Choose OEMF from the list and Connect.

There is a ‘Chatfeature in case you are not being heard or
don’t want to interrupt.

Meet on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6 pm.

Jamulus has excellent documentation, helpful discussion fora and a
download page. Start here. Setting it up can be straightforward or a
struggle, depending on what technology you have. The community
is extremely helpful for those who need it. The software has versions for
Windows, Mac and Linux and a brand new
Jamulus OS.

Music can be fun again!

start page: http://llcon.sourceforge.net/
Jamulus documentation: https://github.com/corrados/jamulus/wiki
Jamulus community: https://sourceforge.net/p/llcon/discussion/
Jamulus demos: https://github.com/corrados/jamulus/wiki/Demos

We look forward to hearing you online.

An endorsement from Rick Fitzsimmons of SWEMF:
There's a group of us have been playing sackbuts and cornetts ...,
numbers varying between 4 and 7 so far, using a Google
cloud hosted server and clients Mac, Windows, Linux and
Jamulus OS. It's definitely worth the effort!

EEMF Homepage]

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[Application form]

Updated 16/02/2022. Please contact the EEMF committee with comments