About the Forum, and Joining Instructions

The Eastern Early Music Forum organises Early Music workshops in East Anglia.



For a full explanation of how the Forum works, download the 2-page document “Join Us”. 



This covers the type of music we sing, when we sing, the format of the workshops, how we do not compete with choirs and orchestras, annual subscription rates, and workshop fees.



If you like what you see, print off the second document which contains two forms:  the Membership Application form and the Payment Advice form.  Then:



 Step 1:  Complete the Membership Application form.  The form allows for a Family subscription as well as an Individual Membership:  email addresses are important as the Forum now provides all communications by email rather than post. Relevant information can be handwritten or typed (the cursor has to be moved to each cell individually).



Step 2:  Set up the arrangements to pay the annual subscription.  The options for payment are set out on the Payment Advice form.  Payment by Standing Order is preferred, as it provides for immediate payment for the current year, and then for renewal on 1 January of each year thereafter. 



              Follow your own bank’s procedure for Standing Orders or download the Standing Order Mandate provided on our website, complete it, and send it direct to your Bank or Building Society. 


              Then complete the Payment Advice section.



Step 3:  Make a copy of both documents for your own records.



Step 4:  Return the two documents to the Membership Secretary, by email to Mike Feinson eemfmemsec@btinternet.com

              or by post to Mike Feinson, 20 Bederic Close, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7DR.


** the standing order mandate (a PDF of 34 KB),

EEMF's AGM is normally held during or after one of the workshops, or it may be held online.
For details of the committee see Contacts.

More information

National Early Music Association

Early Music Network & News
3 Onslow House, Castle Rd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8BY, UK
tel / fax: +44 (0)1892 511652
email: info@earlymusic.org.uk

Viola da Gamba Society

Early music courses

For news of courses in East Anglia and elsewhere click on Courses

EEMF is not responsible for the content of external sites

[EEMF Homepage]


[Application form]

Updated 13/06/2024. Please contact the EEMF committee with comments